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Lesson 7 Assignment 3

Lesson 7 Assignment 3

Q Submit Draft Paper (after eliminating excessive copied content identified in Step 2) Note: To qualify for grading, papers must meet a TurnItIn Matching Index Percentage of 24% or less. The ungraded Preview stage (Step 2) permits you to review and remove excessive copied material prior to submitting to Step 3 for grading. Papers exceeding 24% in Step 3 receive a grade of zero and you may be required to rewrite the paper and submit with a late penalty of 15 points. Due in Lesson 07 How to Submit Your Assignment: Upload your response as an attachment in Word format using the Attach File function. You will be allowed two (2) attempts to submit this assignment. Your Turnitin score will exclude matches from properly quoted phrases and reference lists. Please review your Turnitin report after your first attempt. If the report indicates a score higher than 24%, you will need to reword, summarize, paraphrase, or eliminate the highlighted phrases to improve it to an acceptable level. Do not email the assignment to your professor. View Rubric MAN3025 Research Paper Rubric (Steps 2, 3 & 4) MAN3025 Research Paper Rubric (Steps 2, 3 & 4) Criteria Ratings Pts Student demonstrates scholarly effort for content, length, and thorough research view longer description 50 pts Achieved 0 pts Not Achieved Students failing to meet these standards may be asked to consult a librarian specialist for assistance with research methodology / 50 pts Student demonstrates proficient writing skills (Grammar/Spelling/ Syntax/Punctuation) view longer description 30 pts Achieved 0 pts Not Achieved Students failing to meet these standards may be asked to consult a writing tutor for assistance / 30 pts Student demonstrates proper APA format for headings, quotations, in-text citations, reference list, and overall format per the research paper’s detailed instructions view longer description 20 pts Achieved 0 pts Not Achieved Students failing to meet these standards may be asked to consult a librarian specialist and a writing tutor for APA style and research paper format assistance / 20 pts Total Points: 0

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Lesson 7 Paper (Draft) Section I Introduction Walmart is one of the premier grocery stores in the United States, has gained popularity, enjoyed a reputation, and expanded its business operation in 24 countries. There are multiple reasons behind being the best retail market player are large store chain, outstanding logistics, every discount, and a wide range of products (Mourdoukoutas, 2016). That's how Walmart became the world's best retailer, and its sales volume was one announced close to 3 percent of the U.S. economy. The international business market is evolving due to certain changes in technology, customer perception, economy, regulations, and government policies. When external factors change, they also impact the internal factors as well. Any organization's internal factors are leadership, management, technology, human resource, customer care policy, and business strategies. Like other international businesses, Walmart is also experiencing various problems, including competition, customer support issues, low inventories, and management failing to connect with the customers.